September 10, 2024
Life Logo20for20website - A day in the Life of Angus
Hello, today I am going to share with you guys what I do in my daily life!

Life Logo%20for%20website - A day in the Life of Angus       

               Hello, today I am going to share with you guys what I do in my daily life! Of course, on the weekdays I go to school first. I do top of myself in math and some other subjects. I get two teachers so one in the morning and then the other in the afternoon. It is kind of weird but you get used to it, after I get home the real thing starts. I eat a snack like a normal person and then I start doing my piano for an hour. Now, I don’t know if you guys have this but we have this home program called IXL and I do that. After that I do some reading for about 30-60 minutes.                                                                           th?id=OIP.d2p2I8vIJ9Bu2oXQZlJIKQHaHE&w=125&h=105&c=8&rs=1&qlt=90&dpr=1.4&pid=3 - A day in the Life of Angusth?id=OIP.TG BeXoUVDbi4zdHuJwZnwHaHa&w=197&h=197&c=7&o=5&dpr=1.4&pid=1 - A day in the Life of Angushqdefault - A day in the Life of Angus

After that, I do my second hour of piano and eat dinner. Now, after that I do a math workbook which I do about 1-10 pages every day. If I do have enough time then I will be watching some YouTube videos and then I get t go and sleep, rinse and repeat. Except for Saturdays and Sundays, what I do on Saturdays and Sundays is basically the same thing except no school and we also go out somewhere else to eat. Anyways, I hopeyou guys liked my blog for today and I will be seeing you guys next time!


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Author: Angus Sun

Angus is excited to learn as much as he can about Microsoft and
other technologies. The one thing he likes is computer programming and technical writing. He also likes playing video games whenever he has spare time. Other than that, he just spends time writing blogs and creating videos.